Make shopping faster, safer, and stress-free with Mobile Wallet. Just add your debit card and enjoy the convenience of tapping to pay, whether you’re checking off your grocery list in-store, online, or on the go.
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Certificate of Deposits
If you don't need immediate access to your funds, a Certificate of Deposit (CD) can provide a higher rate of return than a savings account. CDs are the cornerstone of many solid savings plans. First State Bank CDs, with competitive rates and terms that range from 3 months to 5 years, help many savers meet long and intermediate financial goals. These are time deposits that guarantee a certain rate for a certain length of time. As a result, there may be a penalty for early withdrawal. Contact a First State Respresentitve today to start saving.
Ready for Retirement ?
Whether you're just starting to work or are close to retirement, it's always smart to put money away for your future. First State Bank offers a variety of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to help you save for a secure, comfortable retirement. Since your earnings are tax-deferred until you make retirement withdrawals, you'll be able to keep all your money working for you year after year. You may even qualify to reduce your current taxable income by deducting your contributions. Your deposits are invested in FDIC insured First State Bank Certificates of Deposit, where they'll earn competitive rates. IRA's are available in terms ranging from 6 months to 4 years and require a $1,000 minimum opening deposit. Contact a First State Bank Representative today to start saving.